September 12, 2014

Up-to-date Schedule for September and beyond!

*note, TBA venues will be updated ASAP :) Keep an eye out for Facebook events with more details!

June 18, 2014

The News for June Part 2: SisterTree!

SisterTree is also getting rolling along nicely for the summer-- we have lots of upcoming shows and exciting times ahead.

First things first:

Downtown St. Paul
Ages 18+
Free Parking!

Folk Duos SisterTree and River Folk are teaming up to bring you a delightful romp of an evening. Don't be surprised if you see some Cosplay folks attending the event to warm up for CONvergence the following weekend!


Come out to Mille Lacs for some good old fashioned family fun. We'll be essentially going back in time, and entertaining the campers on Saturday night. All the attendees will be in full period costume and live and camp 1836 style for 3 days with no power or running water. Sounds like a good time to us-- and it means we don't have to haul in a bunch of sound equipment (oh, happy day!).
Click here for full event details!

We have many more upcoming dates in July and beyond! Check back soon for information about our Interdependence Day shows at Charlie's Pub in Stillwater, MN!

...and one more exciting bit of news for June:

Check out these gorgeous buttons that we'll have available at our upcoming shows!!

(oh, so pretty!)

--Until next time! 
Come out and play with us!

June 17, 2014

The News for June Part 1: Project Earth!

Woah woah woah... okay, it has been a good long minute since I spread the word about what's going on and what is ahead! And there's so much to tell!

First things first:

Oh, the beauty! Oh, the clean air! Oh, the shredding jams! Oh, the mosquitoes and mud!

Full disclosure: this event is sold out, so if you don't already have a ticket, you're a bit SOL. But it's sure to be a fantastic weekend. I'll be performing with Wookiefoot- slammin' and jammin' with my fiddle and bow- and wandering about with my guitar singing sincere selections to my sisters and brothers.

om nama shivaya. :)

May 5, 2014

SisterTree North-bound

It's time for another jaunt to the shores of Superior! 
Join SisterTree for two nights of rocking roots music in a row:

FRIDAY NIGHT, 9PM at Sir Benedict's Tavern on the Lake (

SATURDAY NIGHT, 10PM at Fitger's Brewhouse (

March 12, 2014

Union Suits and Hornpipes of a Cold Winter's Evening

Apple wine, savory meat pies, pajamas, tea, woodstove and instruments. 
It doesn't get much better than this night!

January 29, 2014

Revival Bluegrass Festival at Harmony Park

~At which I'll be hanging out, jamming, sitting around the fire, listening to great concerts, and OH YEAH..
taking to the stage with "Mark Murphy and Friends"!
It should be a wonderful weekend, a full-on JAMBOREE!

Get all the info at

See you there!


Long-time friend Sean Burke will be flying in early February to hang out in the Twin Cities and do some catching up! We're oh so excited to play music together again. Hopefully we'll get a few recordings out of the visit at the very least. Just a week and counting...

Event Calendar