September 2, 2015

September and October Performances!

9.4-9.5 SisterTree at Rochester Irish Fest

9.15 SisterTree opens for the High Kings at Cedar Cultural Center

10.24 SisterTree at 13 Gears Steampunk Event

10.24 Blas Meala opens for Barley Jacks at Takin' Time's Pickin Parlor -

August 4, 2015

Rat Pack Revival - Rat Pack and Friends!

Hi friends! I'm excited to share that I'll be back as Judy Garland in a performance of:
this Sunday at Mancini's Charhouse- the classic St. Paul eatery. 
There are still some great seats available for the show! I hope you can join us! 

$49.95 - Ticket price includes a fantastic luncheon meal with the show!

MANCINI’S - Sunday, August 9th - Doors at 11:30 - Show at 12:45

Luncheon choices: Mancini’s famous Sirloin steak or Charbroiled chicken

Tickets by phone: 800-838- 3006 Ext 1
OR online: 

Thanks Again!

February 17, 2015

Upcoming Outings! 2.19 Whiskey Junction/2.20 Miller's Corner Bar/2.25 Dakota Jazz Club

So recently, I've been seen associating with some less-than-savory characters. Between their penchant for whiskey and their unkempt appearance, these men have a questionable reputation that preceeds them where'er they might stray. And it seems that they're straying a little farther than usual this week!

Broken Spoke will be making their debut appearance at
Minneapolis' Whiskey Junction
Starting at 9:30 pm.

And, well disguised so as to protect my own reputation, I'll be there adding harmonies and fiddle licks.

Don't say I didn't warn you... but if you really feel like putting yourself in harm's way, check out the facebook event page here:

AND I'll be seen with the same jokesters on February 25 at the Dakota Jazz Club opening for Scythian!

Also, this Friday, if you are looking for a great place to go for a burger and a beer, join SisterTree at Miller's Corner Bar and Grill in NE from 7-9pm.
Visit for more information!

2.17 Honor the Earth and One Billion Rising - Evening with Eve Ensler, Winona Laduke, and Louise Erdrich

SisterTree is wildly ecstatic to offer our music to this event! "Honor the Earth, One Billion Rising, and The Woman's Congress present Eve Ensler and Winona LaDuke for an evening of conversation at the intersection of extreme extraction and violence against Native women. Featuring special guest Louise Erdrich and musical guests. Proceeds to benefit Honor the Earth

January 12, 2015

January 12-31 performances

Woot! Gearing up for a busy week! Playing for the artist showcase at Moto-i in Uptown, Mpls this Wednesday with Max Graham, and our set starts at 10:30pm! Acoustic guitar, fiddle, and just really good songs, some you might know and some you might not. Plus, SAKE! 

Also, Blas Meala is still planning on going into the studio this Friday despite the broken fiddle situation. (Yes, for those of you that hadn't heard, my fiddle was broken this past weekend. Neck and fingerboard busted off the body. no good.) If you haven't checked out the Blas Meala website, you can do just that at

SisterTree has upcoming performances in January as well! You can come out and see us on Thursday January 22nd at the Dubliner Pub in St. Paul. We'll start at 9pm and stop when we've grown tired of doing shots of whiskey and being generally debaucherous!

Then, check out a brand new venue in Minneapolis, the Phoenix Theater. SisterTree will be joining Bad September there on January 24th at 8pm. Tickets are $8 and you can purchase them here!